As an extension to The Handmaid's Tale theme, I made a collage centered around the psychology of the Commander’s Wives. The Wives were ranked highest over all other women which made them oppressors as well as victims of patriarchal Gilead. The red throughout the composition is to signify the presence of the Handmaids in their relationships with their husbands.

Enlarged Sections of the Collage

The faces of a group of men in suits, were not very visible in the prints, so to draw attention to them, I painted their faces red, the colour of the Handmaids. The newspaper clippings I used for the gelli printing had an interesting residue on them from the acrylic paint used to transfer the image. I decided to keep those clippings and use them in my piece, the imperfect blue filter left on them symbolized the unwashable change Gilead will leave.